Prize list of the 32nd Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain
Présentation : Calixte de Nigremont
Orchestre sous la direction de François Morel
Barrière dirigée par Luc Richard assurée par les élèves de l'Ecole Nationale de Cirque de Rosny-sous-Bois
Tableau d'Ouverture présenté par l'Ecole de Cirque Mandingue (Guinée).
The Jury
Under the chairmanship of :
Stéphane Lavoie
General Director of La Tohu, Montreal
Georg Daxner
Director of the Winter Festival de Salzburg, Austria
Guillaume Dufresnoy
Artistic Director of the Big Apple Circus, USA
Former medal winner
Valérie Fratellini
Educationnal manager of the Académie Fratellini
Director of the Académie Equestre Contemporaine du Moulin de Pierre, France
José-Manuel Gonçalvès
President of the Ecole Nationale de Cirque de Rosny-sous-Bois
Director of the Cent-Quatre, Paris
Alex Nicolodi
Artistique agent, France
Maxime Nikouline
Director of the Cirque Nikouline of Moscow, Russia
André Simard
Acrobatic and artistic performance designer of the Cirque du Soleil, Canada
Ning Genfu
Vice President of the China Acrobats Association
Artistic Director of the Guangdong Acrobatic troupe, China
Jay Smith
Director of creation, Franco Dragone Entertainment Group, Belgium
Le palmarès
Gold MedalUuve Jansson
Swinging Trapeze , SwedenGold MedalMykola Shcherbak & Sergii Popov
Hand to hand , UkraineGold MedalBalagans
Teaterboard , Sweden / SpainSilver MedalKerol
Juggling, Human beatbox , SpainSilver MedalTroupe Nationale
Ballance , ChinaBronze MedalPavel Stankevych
Ballance , UkraineBronze MedalTroupe de Fujian
Lassos , ChinaBronze MedalWes Peden
Juggling , USA -
Special Prizes
Flight in Dreams - Igor Zaripov & Luba Kazantseva
Aerial Straps , USATempei Arakawa
Diabolos , JapanAlexander Weibel Weibel
Soft Wire , SpainDuo Foté Foré
Contortion and Hip Hop , France / Guinea -
Trophees and other prizes
Président de la République Prize
Uuve Jansson
Swinging Trapeze , SwedenVille de Paris Prize
Teaterboard , Sweden / SpainMoulin Rouge Prize
Mykola Shcherbak & Sergii Popov
Hand to hand , UkraineBig Apple Circus Award
Uuve Jansson
Swinging Trapeze , SwedenCirque du Soleil - Performance & Artistic Innovative Vision Trophee
Duo Foté Foré
Contortion and Hip Hop , France / GuineaFranco Dragone Entertainment Group Prize
Teaterboard , Sweden / SpainAudiens Prize
Duo Foté Foré
Contortion and Hip Hop , France / GuineaEuropéenne de Spectacles Award
Anastasia Mazur
Contortion , UkraineCirque Phénix Trophee
Christer Pettersen
Slack rope , NorvègeLa Tohu Prize
Duo Reik
Hand to hand , CubaFédération Française des Ecoles de Cirque Prize
Juggling, Human beatbox , SpainTelmondis Prize
Tempei Arakawa
Diabolos , JapanCirque Eloize Prize
Mykola Shcherbak & Sergii Popov
Hand to hand , UkraineAnnie Fratellini Trophee
École de Cirque Mandingue
Charivari , GuineaTrophy of Saint Petersburg State Circus
Tempei Arakawa
Diabolos , JapanYuri Nikulin Trophee
Mister Wow - Adrian de Greef
Diabolos , GermanyClub du Cirque Prize
Uuve Jansson
Swinging Trapeze , SwedenMusée du Cirque et de l'Illusion Trophee
Juggling, Human beatbox , SpainBretagne Circus Trophee
Xavier Ortega et Chloé Tribollet
Hand to hand , FranceAudience Prize
Mykola Shcherbak & Sergii Popov
Hand to hand , Ukraine
Also participated
Hand to hand
, Romania
Edouard Doye
Flying Pole
, France
Ethan Law & Marie-Pier Campeau
Icarian Games
, USA / Canada
Danilo Marder
, Germany
Duo Paradise - Artem Panasyuk & Anastasiia Krutikova
Hand to hand
, Ukraine
Fred Razon
, France